From our first employee…to our tenth!

From our first employee…to our tenth!
25 March 2022 Patrick Morgan
In Journal

This week, Patrick Morgan reached a very exciting milestone – we’ve just welcomed our tenth team member. Everybody put your hands together for Patrick Morgan’s newest Research Associate…

Holly Barnes!

Equipped with a Politics and Philosophy degree, with a specialism in gender studies, Holly is keen to hit the ground running, and definitely bring some D&I excellence to every aspect of her work.

Aside from her Associate duties, Holly is an avid reader, and a budding amateur cook, and a big fan of marmite.

Welcome to the team, Holly!


So at the end of our first week as a 10-person outfit, we can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia about how much we’ve grown since our inception in 2016.

Back in 2018, a young University of Bath graduate by the name of James Ransome took the risk to join a nascent executive search firm, choosing the newly established Patrick Morgan over other, larger businesses. A calculated risk, but a risk nonetheless.

Now, four years later, James is not only a seasoned headhunter with an established market presence across EMEA, but also a natural leader, training and developing the next generation of Patrick Morgan Associates, including Holly herself.

Good on ya’, James.

Our Founder and Managing Partner, James, posted about this on LinkedIn last week – check it out below!


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